Sunday, 3 January 2010

New Year, New Place

I've moved this blog to Wordpress, basically to wind you all up. It's at

You can still access all the old stuff here. But if you want any new stuff, you might want to have a fiddle with your bookmarks and that.

I'm keeping Unhelpful Reviews on Blogger, though.

OK, bored now. See you over at Wordpress.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Disappointing Christmas Decorations No. 2

Today's example comes from Franklins Deli in Liverpool. It is a new venture which has a lot of red splashed here and there, so it is difficult to know whether the red candles are part of the everyday decor. To be honest, it's the sort of place which could have massive red candles all over the place. The teeny tiny ickle red tree hiding in the middle of the picture is definitely a decoration.

Remember, if you have any examples of your own, please contact me at my Twitter address @GrahamBandage, and I'll put it up here. The most disappointing will win a prize. An actual prize. You're pushing it if you want to get it in before Christmas, and after that it'll be a bit melancholy. Tell you what, you can add it as a comment down below. I can't say fairer than that.*

* I can. It's easy

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Graham's Bandages

Disappointing Christmas Decorations No. 1

Over the next couple of weeks I hope to highlight some of the slightly disappointing Christmas decorations I have encountered.

Today's example comes from the newsroom of the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo.

If you have any examples of your own, please contact me at my Twitter address @GrahamBandage, and I'll put it up here. The most disappointing will win a prize. An actual prize.

Many thanks.

Friday, 11 December 2009

The Friday Interview: The Rich Man Who Used To Be A Market Trader

In the latest of our series of interviews, Graham Bandage talks to Andrew Andrews, a man who went from being a humble market trader to one of the richest men in Britain.

Graham Bandage: Andrew Andrews, you've got a shedload of money.

Andrew Andrews: I should say so. Although I must say, I don't keep my money IN a shed. Banks are safer and more convenient.

GB: It's a shame, in a way. Imagine having a big load of money in your shed. That'd be ace.

AA: Can we move on?

GB: Yeah, I suppose. How did you make your money?

AA: Have you ever been to one of those German markets?

GB: Oh, yes. There are loads of them. I like them because they sell bread. But it's not ordinary bread that you'd get from a shop. It's extra-special bread that costs £10. Also sausages.

AA: That's right. You can't move for German markets in our city centres at this time of year. Gluhwein-crazed drunks stabbing each other. Teenagers off their faces on gingerbread. Bits of rope, the lot.

GB: I know you're very rich and everything, but what's your point?

AA: So what was happening in Germany?

GB: Eh?

AA: While all the German traders are over here?

GB: Eh?

AA: I flew over to Hamburg, and there were loads of Germans wandering around the market squares saying, "Was?" and other German words denoting confusion.

GB: Why?

AA: Because there were no stalls. All the German market traders were over in Britain charging £8 for a hot dog. I could see a gap in the market.

GB: Well, just a gap.

AA: What?

GB: There's no market. Your gap is essentially THE market. You've got a market-sized gap in the market.

AA: Anyway, I sent a load of English market traders over to Germany.

GB: How did that go down?

AA: Like a storm.

GB: Did you do the full experience?

AA: Oh yes, tarpaulin, wire coathangers, milk crates, the lot.

GB: That sounds great.

AA: Those Germans just couldn't get enough of our teatowels and "genuine" Avatar DVDs. And at £47 a pop, who could blame them?

GB: So that's how you made all your money.

AA: Oh, no, while I was over there I bought a Eurolottery ticket. Won £45m.

GB: Andrew Andrews, thank you.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Back To Liberalism

No, it's no good. I can't keep up the frothing certainty and hatred.

I'll have to try something else to get my blog stats up. I might try niche pornography. Possibly passive-aggressive porn where a lady disports in the nip, but with a disapproving expression.

That will definitely work.